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Miércoles 03 de Julio - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Diáspora - Armenian General Benevolent Union
AGBU 115th anniversary
15 de Abril de 2021

The Armenian General Benevolent Union is celebrating its 115th anniversary today.

Founded in Cairo, Egypt, in 1906 by Boghos Nubar, son of the Prime Minister of Egypt, Nubar Pasha, and a group of prominent and visionary men, who thought of this institution in order to help, shelter and educate homeless generations and orphans of love and examples.

Many are those who passed through AGBU homes were given refuge, treated  as human beings and fundamentally preserved as Armenians who are faithful to their traditions, their culture and the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church.

Today, the AGBU, proud of its past and its present, is no longer the home of orphans and refugees, it is an all-Armenian institution that supports the whole nation whether in the diaspora or Armenia

AGBU’s  mission in supporting the  Holy See of  St. Etchmiadzin, is of a value that exceeds the tangible and goes beyond numbers, because it´s vision is to project itself towards the future, towards glorious future of Armenia and of all the Armenians.

Agbu foto El Cairo

In this historic photo, sitting from leftt to right : Krikor Sinabian, secretary; Gabriel Noradunguian, Vicepresident; Boghos Nubar, President; Dikran Kelekian, Vicepresident; Mikael Babadjanian; Aram Djevahirdjian. Standiang from left to right : Levon Pachalian; Zareh Nubar; Serope Svadjian, treasurer; Levon Gumuchgerdanian; Dickran Gamsaragan and Meguerditch Hekimian

Sardarabad congratulates the 115 years of life of the largest Armenian Diaspora Institution.

AGBU President Berge Setrakian's message 

For 115 years, AGBU has consistently responded to the needs of Armenians across the globe, while serving the Armenian homeland through both painful and promising times. We mark this significant milestone as it coincides this month with Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day, reminding the world of one of the darkest hours in the history of humankind.

Both occasions have a more profound meaning this year as we emerge from a period of great devastation for the Armenian people—one in which we witnessed similar human tragedies and sorrows from over a century ago.

As we take this moment to acknowledge our troubled yet rich history, we shift our focus to the future. Even as we confront our new common reality, we must remain steadfast in unifying our nation, in healing our wounds, supporting one another, and spurring a fresh start. That means building and supporting our young democracy through fair and competitive elections. This is vital to moving forward united in purpose. We also must stand in solidarity with the people of Armenia and Artsakh who lost family members in battle or still wait to reunite with their loved ones in the aftermath of the 44-Day Artsakh War.

AGBU has always been committed to the main pillars of its mission: humanitarian relief in times of need; nation building in Armenia; and, of course, the broad areas of education and cultural enrichment. We have stood by our Armenian Church, the bastion of faith and community for millennia and the future. And, as tomorrow unfolds, AGBU will again step in at pivotal moments to serve the greater good, just as we have in recent years in Syria, Lebanon and Artsakh to meet the dire humanitarian needs resulting from war, disaster and health and financial crises.

We appeal to our leadership, volunteers, supporters and friends across the globe to join us in meeting the enormous challenges ahead by seizing opportunities to build a better future for Armenians everywhere. We especially commend our younger generation of civic-minded leaders who inspire us with their passion for serving our global community and we encourage more young people to join this growing movement. AGBU will proudly lead by example as we welcome those from all walks of life who share our values and mission into our global Armenian family.

With a mind to initiating and expanding sustainable programs combined with the right focus and foresight, we will end this difficult chapter in Armenian history with Armenia emerging stronger, more confident, and better positioned to take its rightful place on the world stage.

In unity is strength.


Berge Setrakian
President of AGBU

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